Saturday 3 September 2016

DVD has CGs cold

It had to happen..D got a cold few days ago..CG got it from him along with fever..try as hard as we could to keep her away from DVD..but he and i now have the cold..bad cough sneezing n throat..
Poor guy i can take warm water etc fir relief..but he is miserable
Not his usual self..

Meanwhile the nanny left early today as she had to go get her kids from her moms place bavk home for flag hoisting
Apparently till tge feast of mothrr Mary they hoist a flag every evening at ome at 6pm and give out sone food..
On the feast day..they give out packets of biryani or pulao etc..
5th is a hol n is also the nannys daughter Shalini n her husnands bdays..CG made a card.. We also gave packets of pressure cooker cake as a gift n a chocolate..its Ganesh so hol

This nornibg D went to essenza n sorted out thibgs there..saw final work etc.
Then we went to gop court met the int lady n asked for measurements in PDF
He then went woth cookie to their head office to sort legal..came back n landlords youngest told us to move up or to new in a month.. So now we have to decide

Thursday 1 September 2016


Started dvd on solids
First fruit was mango begore 6 months coz it was from home n i was worried by the time he is 6 months mango season wud be over

Given him pears pruned papaya apple banana..tomato
Apple n pears i just grate..unlike for CG where id steam it

Veggies carrot peas corn

Porridge ragi dal sambar idli dosa..

Mince beef prawn that too richade

He is getting his top two teeth together

Using silver cup given by Misbah

D decided not to give him flu shot
Crawls quiye well though doesnt want to
Said mama day before n yesterday once else says mmmm mmm or amm
Says dyadaya
Loves to be entertained n carried about
Wakes up after 2 to 3 hrs with onw long stretch but usually 8- 12 ..but im mostly awake that time
Esp with imcreased work

Sits by himself
Even sits from sleeping position.. Not very confident
Seems to like cars n throwing things
Loves ppl talking to him..entire neighborhood talks to him
The nanny loves playing with him too
Tries to pull himself to stand on hid own holding furniture.. Not managed yet..started from yesterday mostly
Plays with my water mug n throws my thyroid medicine bottle around every morning

Gets am trying no iron for me..n no ragi.. He pooped everday after that..gave ragi yesterday.. Again no poop today..gave papaya hoping for poop..if no poop in the morning will give prunes
Hair has grown quite nicely..cradle cap gone but comes back sometimes

Thursday 16 June 2016

tooth buds

Dvds been drooling like crazy the past  2 months.. Since grandma came he has been biting her fingers real hard. Yesterday finally saw the emergence of a small sharp white dot on his lower gum..

Today he has lots of loosies

He also tasted a bit of mango yesterday when i was feeding cookie.. Kept wanting more and looking at the spoons going into cookies mouth

Monday 13 June 2016

Grandma and grandpas visit

So mum has been trying to convince grandpa/ma to visit since we went to goa in May. For a long time it was fruitless as gpa wud say ask gma and gma wud give umptten reasons.. Like case; parapet etc
Then they met with an aacident.. They were fine but rhe car needed to go to the garage.. So that became another reason.
Then one fine day when mum asked grandpa saying.. If the car will be in the shop for 3 weeks y not come. Gpa says oh have to be back for case. So mum knew they cud come.. Spoke to gma and before you know ot they were to come the next week.
Monday they gavw the car; tue was grace day; wed they came

Thur CG started school... I miss her when she goes

Theyve been here a week.. Grabdma puts me to sleep some daya by bouncing me on her lap.. Earlier she needed to carry me about. This is easier for her.
Today i ended up injuring gpas back when he tried to lift me

Saturday i pooped on Shanti..not my fault.. With all the daper came down and they disnt mum ate mango.

my birth

I was born to mom on 30 at 8:02 am
My sis CG came with grandma to see me later

Here is my moms account of my birth